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For a Good Time, Text...

This project weaves interactivity into clothing via text messaging. We created three pieces of clothing: a kimono with a LED matrix on the back, a skirt with four rows of LEDs, and a pair of pants with LED strips running down the side seams.

Users can control LED patterns by texting pre-coded commands to pre-determined cell numbers. For example, texting 1234 to the phone number connected to the skirt will allow the four rows of LEDs to light up in that order. Text "arrows" or "triangles" to create relevant shapes on the LED matrix.

Group Members include: Nicole Chan, Richard Lewei Huang, Krishan Mistry, Anna Schmidt, Jingyi Sun

Uses arduino, bluetooth modules, phones, and the MIT App Inventor, as well as soft circuits, fabrics and LEDs.

k_2 k_4
k_3 k_1
k_5 d_4
d_2 d_3
p_1 p_2
p_3 u_1
u_2 u_3