I'm not really sure what to write about 2020 to be honest. I spent much of my first year at graduate school in denial about being in graduate school. In hindsight, I probably should have done more research about what it was going to be like trapesing around in an entirely new education system, but much of my previous big life decisions had been determinedly irrational, and all of the those ones had turned out great.
Back to London. It was still a wonderful place, I had no doubt, but my inner melancholy overshadowed the light of the outside world so much that I didn't really find too much joy living here in the world of Harry Potter. Still, I had signed a 15 month fixed term lease, so realistically I also wasn't going anywhere.
Anyway, much like everyone else, for me 2020 was the year of quarantining and staying at home-ing. The photos reflect that. There's a lot of images taken around my home, of the skies that were particularly vibrant, observed on evening walks in the scrubs around my suburbia neighborhood. The scrubs was wild and expansive, and when you look up at the sky, the world feels round, as if you are in a snow globe.
When summer finally came around, we were let out for a brief bit (and before it all went downhill once again), I spent my time going around green areas - parks, gardens, plant shops. I even made a few trips to the coastal areas of the UK and saw some nice white cliffs and cold beaches.